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Summer Fruit Salad

Summer Fruit Salad
Happy New Year!

It would seem that summer has finally decided to join us and the beautiful sunny days are starting to infiltrate what was a rather grey Christmas season. A fantastic treat for a warm summer's day is a refreshing bowl of sweet and juicy fruit salad.

We are lucky in New Zealand to have access to so many delicious summer fruits. A fruit salad is a great way to take advantage of all the fresh fruits in season and also get some extra fruity goodness in your child’s diet. 

Fruit and veggies are a vital component of a healthy diet so it’s important to help your child enjoy eating them. Take your kids with you to your local farmers’ market or supermarket and let them help choose the fruit and then get them involved in washing, chopping and mixing the ingredients. Allowing them to help you prepare this healthy treat will make them enjoy gobbling it up even more! 

Fruit salads are awesome because they’re so versatile – you can use whatever ingredients you enjoy eating, leave out the ones you’re not so fond of and it’s going to taste great regardless. 5+ A Day have created a recipe for a yummy ‘NZ Summer Fruit Salad’ using plums, nectarines and other tasty fruits – click here to see their recipe!

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  • xgopdwzjbn on

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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